fredag, juni 17, 2016

Kalifatets 47 senaste våldsdåd mot Västerlandet


Kalifatet inriktar sig för tillfället på stora spektakulära
våldsdåd av "Mumbai-typ", företrädesvis i Europa och
riktade mot civila.
Amerikanska CTC har analyserat de senaste 47 dåd 
som riktats mot Västeuropa och Nordamerika.
Från morden på judiska skolan i Toulouse via
halshuggningen i St.-Quentin-Fallavier till
massakern i Orlando.
Blotta mängden gör att man börjar glömma en
del av dem.
Läs artikeln och fräscha upp minnet av de senaste
 årens jihadistdåd.
Allt tyder på att det är Västvärldens framtid vi skådar...


Läs mera i artikeln 

På samma tema:
mordförsök, skriver på Gatestone om tendensen att
förtiga och skylla över orsaken till de jihadistiska dåden.
Mördarna är inte unga muslimer som "missuppfattat" sin
religion, utan troende muslimer som strikt följer vad
koranen och haditherna befaller dem.


torsdag, juni 16, 2016

ISIS-terrorist gripen i Malmö - och släppt

Ökänd bosnisk IS-jihadist sökte asyl i Malmö
En 46-årig bosnisk IS-jihadist som anses mycket farlig togs i måndags i förvar av polisen i Malmö. När mannen sökte asyl tog Migrationsverket över ärendet – och stoppade utvisningen. ”Sverige har fått rykte som en säker inkörsport för terrorister”, säger kommissarie Leif Fransson vid gränspolisen.
– Så fort de här personerna slänger in sitt trumfkort och säger "asyl" så öppnar sig pärleporten, säger kommissarie Leif Fransson vid gränspolisen i polisområde Syd.
Den 46-årige IS-jihadisten anlände med sina fyra barn till Malmö Airport med direktflyg från Tuzla i Bosnien i måndags.
I kön till passkontrollen uppträdde han nervöst och bytte ideligen kö, vilket väckte gränspolisens misstankar.
Han visade upp ett nästan nytt bosniskt pass.
När gränspolisen kontrollerade det mot Schengens SIS-register visade det sig att mannen spärrats för inresa på begäran av Frankrike – där fotbolls-EM nu pågår och där säkerheten är massiv av rädsla för nya terrordåd efter IS-attackerna i Paris i november och i Bryssel i mars.
För Europas säkerhetstjänster är 46-åringen välkänd som en veteranjihadist i terrorsekten Islamiska statens tjänst.
Han anses mycket farlig.

Redan 2010 greps han av polisen i staden Kozarska Dubica i Bosnien för innehav av illegala vapen. Vid razzian beslagtogs, förutom automatvapen och pistoler, svarta jihadistfanor och wahabitisk propagandamateriel.
Den lokale åklagaren pekade ut mannen som ledare för en ”extremistcell”.
Sommaren 2015 berättade bosniska medier om hur Islamiska staten upprättat ett träningsläger i en bergig skogstrakt vid byn Osve i Bosnien. Från lägret skickades jihadister till Syrien för att strida.
Men polisen befarade också att lägret kunde bli bas för framtida terrordåd i Europa. En av männen bakom lägret var 46-åringen, som då beskrevs som jihadveteran.
I februari i år greps han igen av polisen i Turkiet, misstänkt för att ha varit i Syrien och stridit för Islamiska staten. Han skickades tillbaka till Sarajevo där bosnisk polis mötte honom på flygplatsen. Mannens pass beslagtogs och han belades med reseförbud.
Läs hela artikeln i SDS

Läs mera:

Abu Nidals terrorfonder finansierar bosnisk jihadism

Serbisk artikel om jihadisterna i Bosnien

Polisen erövrar terroristby i Bosnien


tisdag, juni 14, 2016

Ny Ramadan-skandal: Sveriges Radio censurerar presskonferens - i USA...

SR Ekot är Sveriges radios "nyhetstjänst".
I söndags fattade man det logiska beslutet att
direktsända hela dagen med anledning av
jihadistdådet i Orlando. Bl a skulle Ekot direktsända
från den lokala polisens presskonferens. Och då
blev det kortslutning i Stockholm.
Orlandopolisen kunde ju t ex berätta att mördaren
redan före massmordet meddelat att han var 
lojal mot Kalifatet ISIS och utförde dådet
i deras namn.
Stockholm tryckte omedelbart på censurknappen.
"Fredens religion" får inte avslöjas med byxorna nere,
särskilt inte mitt under Ramadan...
Det forløb sådan her:

”Skal vi sende live nu?” spurgte journalisten på SR Ekot og fulgte kort op efter med: ”Vi har ikke mulighed for at lytte med direkte nu på pressekonferencen, for vi kan ikke kontrollere hvilke oplysninger politiet går ud med. Så vi kommer til at høre pressekonferencen med lidt forskydning. Lidt efter lidt vil vi så fortælle hvad vi kan.”

På det sociale medie Twitter uddybede nyhedsprogrammet begrundelsen: ”Vi fravalgte at sende lyden fra pressekonferencen i sin helhed, da vi gerne vil have kontrol over hvilke oplysninger vi offentliggør. Underskrevet Olle (Zachrison), ansvarshavende udgiver.”
Licensbetalarna (=monopolets trogna mjölkkor)
fick således utan att veta om det bara lyssna på
utvalda delar av presskonferensen i efterhand.
Allt för att inte rubba den av SR beslutade
Då man ju vid varje intervju och presskonferens
riskerar att den intervjuade säger något annat
än vad reportern tycker själv, är detta väl ett
klart utryck för (med en modern floskel)
"dålig värdegrund" hos åsiktsmonopolet...
Nu väntar vi på opinionsstormen från landets
journalistkår. Eller är den redan så välanpassad
att de tycker att censur i nyhetsförmedlingen
är helt OK ?

Ramadan-Nyheter: Nu 528 mördade under "festmånaden"

Ramadan, den onde profetens festmånad, har nu pågått
en vecka. The Religion of Peace bokför alla islamistiska
terrordåd. Dagsnoteringen är 528 mördade.
Vill ni bli riktigt illamående redan till frukost:
I natt mördades en poliskommissarie och hans fru
i Paris av en jihadist, som redan tidigare dömts
för terroristaktiviteter. 

"A policeman and his partner were killed at their home in
the northwestern Paris suburb of Magnanville late Monday.
The stabbing attack was carried out by a man claiming
allegiance to the Islamic State group, sources close
to the investigation said earlier.
Witnesses told investigators the man may have
shouted “Allahu akbar” (God is greatest) as he stabbed
the policeman repeatedly outside his home before holing
up inside with the woman and the couple’s three-year-
old son.
Se kommentar i Den Korte Avis


måndag, juni 13, 2016

Ramadan-Nyheter: Inflödet av jihadister i Europa


Merkels avtal med Erdoganregimen i Turkiet om "utbyte" av asylsökare har
lett till exakt det initierade bedömare varnade för:
Ett våldsamt inflöde av jihadister, lätt maskerade till "flyktingar".
Massakrerna i Paris och Bryssel, med direkta kopplingar till kalifatet ISIS, borde fått EU att slå till nödbromsen. Men ack nej, vansinnet fortsätter.
Runt om i Europa avslöjas den ena terrorligan efter den andra. 
Den svenska regeringen har de senaste månaderna lyckats bromsa inflödet med hjälp av gränskontrollen i Malmö. Men nu trappas den ned för varje dag p g a polisens resursbrist. Samtidigt väntar enligt Gränspolisen 300.000 - 500.000
illegala (d v s huvudsakligen oregistrerade) asylsökare i Tyskland på att ta sig "norrut".

IPT News ger en aktuell rapport om läget i Europa och USA:

When Europe agreed to open its borders to Syrian refugees in response to one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our age, officials assured the Western world: we've got this. There will be no jihadists among them; and if there are, we'll be sure they won't get in.
But it wasn't exactly true. Jihadists, we now know, have been among them. They have gotten through. And now those same officials are starting to admit things might get even worse.

On Saturday, only weeks after Germany's national security agency confessed it had been alerted to the presence of jihadists who posed as asylum-seekers, German police arrested three Syrians on charges of planning a major attack in Dusseldorf. The arrests followed a confession by a fourth suspect, arrested earlier in France, who had informed officials there about the plot. All four suspects, reported the Washington Post, had traveled to Europe along the well-worn, so-called Balkan Route. Prosecutors say the attack aimed to kill "as many bystanders as possible with guns and other explosives," as had a plot foiled days earlier in Antwerp.

Europeans already are on edge as a result of the multiple terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels over the past 18 months. But news of these arrests, coupled with heightened concerns among German intelligence officials, alarmed communities both in Germany and in neighboring countries. Yet despite this development, intelligence officials in the Netherlands, which shares a border with Germany, maintained until just last week that there is minimal chance that any asylum seeker there is a terrorist.

That changed suddenly on Tuesday, with the disclosure by the same French suspect that the militants arrested in Dusseldorf had been part of a group of 20, divided between asylum centers there and in the Dutch city of Nijmegen.

Not that this should be a surprise. Since the beginning of the crisis, Holland's screening of migrants has been sloppy. A report released in May by Holland's Ministry of Security and Justice noted that several screening centers were careless and inadequate, failing to meet established standards. Perhaps as a result of hastened procedural demands as the stream of refugees has increased, neither computer systems nor inspectors seems prepared to meet the challenges: as Dutch daily the Telegraaf observed, the system for checking fingerprints crashes daily; document screeners fail several times a week; and "it is unclear whether all baggage of the asylum-seekers is being properly inspected."

Moreover, documents are rarely examined for authenticity – a risky oversight given the huge ISIS-based industry in falsified Syrian passports, a business which, in turn, helps fill Islamic State coffers. Indeed, one of the Paris bombers used such a passport to enter Europe, leading the former French intelligent chief to remark, "It's obvious now: amongst the migrants, there are terrorists."

These problems are not limited to Europe. In Canada, a $16 million effort to screen refugees was recently termed an "expensive security flop." An internal evaluation of the effort, CBC News reported, determined that "the screening project delivered information too late, strayed beyond its mandate, and in the end did almost nothing to catch refugees who might be linked to criminal or terrorist groups."
Such errors have not gone unnoticed by American intelligence. As early as November 2015, a Homeland Security report called Europe's open borders a "cause célèbre for jihadists" and described Europe's asylum and refugee screening processes as "rife with security holes."
"Foreign officials in Western Europe ... said that already some asylum seekers had been identified as having potential terrorism ties," the report notes, "but by the time they were flagged the individuals had already left the area." As a result, "Europe's 26-country Schengen area is ground zero for the continent's terrorist travel woes."

True, the United States enjoys elements of security that Europe does not. While nationals and citizens of EU countries can travel to the U.S. visa-free, those who are also nationals or citizens of Syria, Iraq, Iran, or the Sudan can not. And all foreign visitors are required to register with the Homeland Security Department's Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) prior to arrival.
Still, even with such measures in place, the Homeland Security report recommended a temporary suspension of the Syrian refugee program in the U.S. "until the nation's leading intelligence and law enforcement agencies can certify the refugee screening process is adequate to detect individuals with terrorist ties." In January, however, Democratic senators blocked a bill that would do just that.

Now the country faces a crossroads. In the first half of 2016, only a fraction of the 9,000 refugees America agreed to take in this year had actually been accepted, in part, NBC News reported, because "a lack of preparedness for the sudden increase in refugee applicants and resources to vet them has led to backlogs in the process." To rectify the situation, "the administration has begun to ramp up operations, both at home and abroad, to review a greater volume of refugee applicants and stay on track to meet its commitments." Since then, the number of refugees approved for resettlement has increased markedly, to almost 5,000.

But at least as important as its commitments to refugees is America's commitment to the safety and security of its own people. And if Europe's example is anything to judge by – and Homeland Security agents seem to believe it is – then "ramping up operations" likely will put the country at an increased risk of terrorism. After all, if the U.S. suffered a "lack of preparedness and resources to vet" the refugees until now, it is hard to imagine that speeding the procedure would in any way benefit the nation's security. And "haste," as a Moroccan proverb says, "is the sister of repentance."

We save no one, not even the refugees, from danger, if we only increase our own.


torsdag, juni 09, 2016

Nattens terrordåd i Tel Aviv: minst 4 mördade

Vid ett överfall på en restaurant på Sarona
Market i Tel Aviv sent på onsdagen mördades
minst fyra personer.
De två arabiska mördarna greps och
identifierades som kusiner från Hebron-
området, som uppehöll sig illegalt i Tel Aviv.

Nedan ser ni ett avsnitt ur en bevakningsfilm,
som visar hur gärningsmännen skjuter
omkring sig på restauranten.
En kort bit därifrån skjuter en polis den
ene mördaren.


Inte helt överraskande:
Mördarnas farbror mördade fyra judar 2002.
Klanen tillhör Fatah:

Police revealed Thursday morning a family connection between the two terrorists involved in Wednesday night’s deadly terror rampage, reporting that Khalid and Muhammad Musa Mehamara were cousins, hailing from the prominent Mehamara clan in Yatta, south of Hevron.
Terrorism apparently runs in the family, and Khalid and Muhammad are not the first terrorists from the clan to kill Israelis.
An uncle of the cousins, Taleb Mehamara, was a member of a terror cell that in 2002 targeted Israelis in southern Judea, killing four in a shooting attack.
Taleb, a member of the Fatah Tanzim terror organization, was later captured, tried, and sentenced. He is currently sitting in an Israeli prison. In addition, his house was demolished by the IDF.
Israeli forces sealed off Yatta overnight, raiding the home of Muhammad Musa Mehamara and detaining relatives of the two terrorists.
Security officials say the pair infiltrated Israel and resided in the country illegally for months prior to the attack. Officials reported that the IDF and Shin Bet security agency are investigating the possibility that the two terrorists received aid in planning and preparing the attack, with members of the Mehamara clan prime suspects.
In the wake of the terror attack, Israel cancelled 204 work visas for members of the terrorists’ extended families and rescinded some 83,000 entry permits given to residents of Judea and Samaria for Ramadan.

Hur Obama stoppar kritisk granskning av Muslimska Brödraskapet

Det amerikanska säkerhetsministeriet DHS har nu
fått en egen "whistleblower". Den kunnige och
rutinerade säkerhetsmannen Philip Haney, sedan
länge specialiserad på islamistiska terrorgrupper,
talar i en nyutkommen bok ut om hur Obama-
regimen försöker stoppa all kritisk granskning av
Obamas allierade i Muslimska Brödraskapet och
Tablighi Jamaat.
Läs Clarion Projects korta sammanfattning:
A new book by Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney, titled See Something Say Nothing, is filled with first-hand testimony that will make your mouth drop.
If you read the Clarion Project, then you’re aware of how U.S. governments, Democrats and Republicans, have tried to accommodate Islamism and political correctness. This book shows that it’s even worse than we thought.

A little background: Haney’s research on Islamist movements—rather than a narrow focus on membership in proscribed terrorist organizations derived from such movements-- won the respect of his peers, many of whom are quoted in the book.
Haney was commended for identifying over 300 possible terrorist suspects and working on important and complex counter-terrorism cases. He and 10 colleagues were honored by a FBI Special Agent-in-Charge for proactively contributing to 98 FBI investigations, identifying 67 individuals engaged in suspicion activity who were previously known to the Joint Terrorism Task Force and identifying 24 persons of interest.
He developed a database of 185 Islamist terrorist groups in 81 countries and associated Islamist movements, believing that we need to “connect the dots” between the movements and radicalization, instead of only “connecting the dots” between individual jihadist operatives.

Here are 10 jarring revelations from DHS whistleblower Philip Haney’s new book:

Investigations into Islamist movements like the Tablighi Jamaat and Muslim Brotherhood were stopped by the federal government in the name of religious liberties.

The National Targeting Center investigation into the networks resulted in over 1,200 law enforcement actions, such as denial of visas to Jamaat members who wanted to enter the country. Then the State Department Civil Rights Division intervened.
“We know that members of the Tablighi Jamaat are fundamentalists, but they’re not terrorists,” Haney recalls a State Department representative informing him and his colleagues.
They informed the State Department official that its own consular officers were rejected three out of four Tablighi Jamaat-affiliated visa applications because of security concerns. That soon came to an end.
The same story happened with the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the fact that the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are an intertwined network, as shown by the Justice Department in the trial of a Brotherhood front (Holy Land Foundation) for financing Hamas.
The hard work of the investigations was not only stopped; it was thrown out. Haney was ordered to delete over 800 records related to Islamist extremists.
Haney calls it the “great purge” and counter-terrorism personnel unconnected to him have also talked about databases related to Islamist extremist movements being cleansed.
Thanks to the DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, a narrow focus on illegal activity in support of banned terrorist organizations took hold. The DHS deemed that data collection related to permitted Islamist movements like Tablighi Jamaat and Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to religious freedom and must be deleted in order to prevent profiling.
The deleted files may have prevented the “underwear” bomb plot, the Boston bombings and the San Bernardino attacks.
Haney’s story, along with copious amounts of other evidence, proves the worthiness of targeting the “radicalizer” (Islamist movements) and not just the radicalized (the jihadist terrorist). Underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Tsarnaev brothers, and San Bernardino shooters Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik all associated with Islamist movements and institutions that were investigated by Haney and his colleagues. Had they continued, it is likely that they would have been denied visas into the U.S. and/or been put under surveillance.. He was exonerated each time.
When one of their own acclaimed experts offered to explain Islamism and its networks, the higher-ups didn’t even reply.
This is a bipartisan problem, as Haney can attest to. He saw the problems develop starting in 2006 under the Bush Administration with each year getting progressively worse. When the Department of Homeland Security began adopting politically-correct language that avoided the ideology, setting a precedent that the Obama Administration would later intensify, Haney offered to explain the ideology and his concerns to his supervisors and anyone who would listen. No one replied.
DHS even rejected the FBI’s request to use him for investigating a Muslim Brotherhood front.
Haney wasn’t just stopped from pursuing his investigations within Customs and Border Protection (which is part of DHS), his supervisors even stopped him from helping the FBI in regards to a Brotherhood front. He was not even told whether they replied to the FBI agent’s request for his help.
Senior officials intervened to let Islamists fly into the U.S. against the advice of their own personnel.
In addition to the changed attitude towards letting Tablighi Jamaat members into the U.S., the federal government also granted entry to terror-linked Muslim Brotherhood activist Jamal Badawi. Customs and Border Patrol had even prepared a dossier making the case against letting him.
Badawi’s complaints about receiving secondary inspections when traveling to the U.S. and lawsuit worked. The Brotherhood/Hamas-linked activist was allowed to enter the U.S. to speak at a Brotherhood/Hamas-linked organization’s conference.
Six individuals affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood fronts helped craft the Obama Administration’s Countering Violent Extremism approach to counter-terrorism.
The result, as you might have expected, was Islamist-friendly training guidelines; ones that even excluded “Muslim reformers” as trainers. You can read more the Clarion Project’s review of these guidelines and the personnel responsible here. Most recently, the Obama Administration picked an activist linked to a Brotherhood front as its liaison to the Muslim-American community.   
Haney documented over 50 meetings between members of the executive and legislative branches and members of organizations identified by the U.S. government as Muslim Brotherhood fronts between 1998 and 2009.
There has been little, or no, controversy when members of the federal government, including members of Congress and the White House, meet and consult with Islamist groups that the Justice Department has labeled as Brotherhood entities and unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism financing. But when an opponent of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood teaches law enforcement, that's a different story.
Islamist political pressure and lawfare works.
You can read Haney’s book for story after story of Islamists using political pressure, provocation and lawsuits to bend U.S. government agencies to their demands, with the above example involving Jamal Badawi being only one. If the U.S. government caves from lawsuits and complaining, then what will happen in the future if these groups continue to become more powerful?
Haney was repeatedly disciplined and investigated for his approach in tackling Islamic extremism, which took on the Islamist ideology as well as the results of that ideology. He was exonerated each time.
If only the government were that hostile to Islamists and their apologists.

onsdag, juni 01, 2016

Blir Said Mansour äntligen utvisad ?

Den islamistiske "bokhandlaren från Brønshøj",
Osama Bin Ladens gode vän, Said Mansour
har varit gett upphov till mängder av artiklar
på denna blogg sedan drygt tio år tillbaka
Just nu pågår äntligen en rättegång där
Danmarks Högsta Domstol ska fastställa
om Mansour ska utvisas för sina terrorbrott
och berövas sitt danska medborgarskap.
Åklagaren visade igår på hur Mansour under sina
32 år i Danmark hela tiden levt på olika typer
av socialbidrag, aldrig arbetat en dag och aldrig
ens brytt sig om att lära tala hjälplig danska...
Trots att han producerat ett större antal barn
med olika konvertiter saknar han varje som
helst anknytning till det danska samhället. 
Däremot har han hela tiden haft nära och
intima kontakter med olika islamistiska
I Danmark kan man sagtens opfordre til terror og drab på jøder og kendte danskere og samtidig leve af fuld offentlig støtte.
 Det kom igår frem i Højesteret, hvor den to gange terrordømte Said Mansour, der også er kendt som ”Boghandleren fra Brønshøj”, ankede den udvisningsdom og fratagelse af dansk statsborgerskab, som Østre Landsret idømte ham den 1. juli 2015.

 ”Han har aldrig haft nogen kontakt til det danske arbejdsmarked. Han har modtaget kontanthjælp siden 1994, og han må derfor siges at være ringe integreret i det danske samfund,” fremførte anklageren, rigsadvokat Ole Hasselgaard, under retsmødet ifølge BT
Ringe tilknytning til Danmark
Som nævnt drejer sagen i Højesteret sig om udvisning og fratagelse af dansk statsborgerskab, hvilket er muligt, da Said Mansour har beholdt sit marokkanske statsborgerskab. 
I en sådan sag om udvisning og fratagelse af statsborgerskab spiller tilknytningen til Danmark en stor rolle og den tilknytning mente rigsadvokaten ikke er til stede. 
Ole Hasselgaard påpegede ifølge BT således i den forbindelse blandt andet, at Said Mansour taler arabisk og marokkansk, men har svært ved at udtrykke sig på dansk på trods af, at han har boet i Danmark i 32 år og som nævnt har været uden tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet.
Omvendt mente Said Mansours forsvarer, Michael Juul Eriksen, at den 56-årige Said Mansours tilknytning til Marokko er meget ringe, da det er 28 år siden, at han sidst har været i landet, ligesom Juul Eriksen påpegede, at Mansour da har haft et par småjobs.
Den ringe lyst til at tage til Marokko har dog sine grunde. Han er efterlyst af de marokkanske myndigheder, som ifølge Ritzau beskylder ham for at have en forbindelse til en kriminel bande, som ville udføre jihad med drabsforsøg og brug af sprængstoffer.
Said Mansour kom som 23-årig til Danmark i 1983 for at blive familiesammenført med sin søster
Han kom hurtigt i PET’s søgelys, og var kendt for at have forbindelse til en lang række internationale terrorværk. Blandt dem gruppen bag terrorangrebet mod USA 11. september 2001 og ligeledes med en af de terrormistænkte bag Madrid-attentatet i 2004, hvor 191 mennesker blev dræbt og 2.050 såret som følge af bombeattentater mod tre morgenfyldte lokaltog. 
I 2003 fik han en dom for dokumentfalsk og overtrædelse af våbenloven. To år senere blev han i 2005 som i øvrigt den første dansker sigtet efter terrorparagraffens regler om opfordring til terror. En sigtelse, der medførte at han i 2007 blev kendt skyldig og idømt tre år og seks måneders fængsel. 
Den straf kom han til at afsone fuldt ud, da Kriminalforsorgen nægtede at prøveløslade ham med den begrundelse, at han efter Kriminalforsorgens opfattelse efter sin løsladelse ville fortsætte med at opfordre til terror.

Og det gjorde han. I 2014 stod i Retten i Frederiksberg tiltalt for ikke blot opfordring til terror, men også for opfordring til drab på jøder og en række kendte danske personligheder.

Ud over fængselsstraf krævede anklagemyndigheden dengang desuden, at Said Mansour dels fik frataget sit danske statsborgerskab og dels udvist af Danmark for bestandig.