söndag, september 28, 2014

Wilders om Kalifatet och Europas muslimer

Geert Wilders skriver en gästkrönika hos Gatestone
apropå USA/EU:s bombning av Kalifatet och de
europeiska muslimernas inställning till frihet,
demokrati och yttrandefrihet..
To defeat IS we should do more than just bomb its strongholds in the Middle East; we should no longer turn a blind eye to the violent nature of Islam. We should demand that those who settle in our countries cast aside values incompatible with ours. There is a huge problem -- also in our countries - cause by the violent exhortations of Islam. Only when we face this truth will we be able to win this war we are in.

Although the majority of Muslims are moderate, thousands of innocent civilians all over the West have fallen victim to terrorists inspired by Islam. IS has announced that every citizen of the West is a target.
70% of Dutch Muslims consider the religious rules of Islam more important than the secular laws of the country where they are living.  Survey, December 2013,  by Prof. Ruud Koopmans, Humbolt University, Berlin.

A military alliance, led by the United States, is currently bombing the forces of the Islamic State [IS] in Iraq and Syria. Many European nations, such as the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and others, are participating in this offensive. IS, however, is not just a threat to the Middle East, but also to our own countries. The presence in IS's ranks of hundreds of Muslims born in the West, carrying Western passports, is a huge domestic security risk. Whether we like it or not, war has also come to our streets.

And whether we like it or not, Islam has everything to do with it. "No religion condones the killing of innocents," President Obama recently said. David Cameron added about the IS terrorists: "They claim to do this in the name of Islam, that is nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters."

The sad thing is that, while they are, indeed, monsters, they are also Muslims. No matter what Obama and Cameron say, IS and other terrorist groups draw inspiration from Koranic verses, such as sura 47:4: "When ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and when ye have caused a bloodbath among them bind a bond firmly on them."

Although the majority of Muslims are moderate, thousands of innocent civilians all over the West have fallen victim to terrorists inspired by Islam. On 9/11, 2001, Mohamed Atta and his accomplices flew planes into New York's twin towers. In March 2004, Jamal Zougam, a Moroccan-born Spanish citizen, and his friends bombed four commuter trains in Madrid. In November 2004, Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutchman of Moroccan origin, slit the throat of Islam critic Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam. In July 2005, Hasib Hussain and three other homegrown British suicide killers assassinated 52 civilians on the London public transport system. In March 2012, Mohammed Merah, a Frenchman of Algerian descent, mowed down a rabbi and three children in front of a school in Toulouse. In April 2013, the Chechen brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, killed three onlookers at the Boston marathon with pressure cooker bombs. In May 2013, Michael Adebolayo, a British citizen of Nigerian descent, decapitated soldier Lee Rigby in the streets of London. Last May, Mehdi Nemmouche, a French citizen of Algerian origin, murdered four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.

Atta, Zougam, Bouyeri, Hussain, Merah, Tsarnaev, Adebolayo, Nemmouche, they were all Muslims, most of them carrying Western passports. It is dangerous to deny a reality because it is discomforting. Bombing IS in Syria and Iraq, while refusing to see the problems at home, will have disastrous consequences.

There is much discussion about the support among Muslim populations in the West for IS and similar organizations waging jihad and aiming to impose Islamic Sharia law on our societies. A survey conducted by ICM Research last July found that 16% of all inhabitants of France and 7% of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom have a favorable view of IS. In May 2013, a survey by Ahmed Ait Moha of Motivaction, an Amsterdam research institute, found that 73% of Dutch Muslims regard Dutch Muslims who fight in Syria as heroes, compared to only 3% of indigenous Dutch. Last December, a survey by Prof. Ruud Koopmans at Humboldt University in Berlin revealed that over 45% of German Muslims and 70% of Dutch Muslims consider the religious rules of Islam to be more important than the secular laws of the country where they are living.

Every day, I can feel the cold shadow of Islam. Next November, it will be exactly ten years that I have been living under permanent police protection. Wherever I go, armed policemen go with me to protect me against Islamic groups who have vowed to assassinate me because they disagree with my opinion that Islam is not a religion of peace. Today, ten years later, IS has announced that every citizen of the West is a target.

To defeat IS we should do more than just bomb its strongholds in the Middle East; we should no longer turn a blind eye to the violent nature of Islam.  We should demand that those who settle in our countries cast aside values incompatible with ours.

Last week, I proposed in the Dutch Parliament that we ask an oath of all people from Islamic countries who wish to be members of our society. In the oath they have to explicitly distance themselves from Sharia law and the violent verses in the Koran. Those who do not want to take the oath are no longer welcome. They should leave our country at once. This measure forces us to see the reality which Obama, Cameron and other Western leaders refuse to see: there is a huge problem – also in our countries – caused by the violent exhortations of Islam.

Only when we face this truth, we will be able to win the war we are in.

Se också

Kalifatets plan

Kalifatets offensiv mot Europa

torsdag, september 25, 2014

Socialdemokratisk självmordsbombare - "ett föredöme"

Somaliern Burhan Ahmed Abdule betraktades som
ett föredöme i norska Halden. Han var artig,
flitig och arbetssam. Arbetsförmedlingen utbildade
honom till metallarbetare. Han startade en
somalisk förening och var en stöttepelare i
den lokala moskén. Och, det bästa av allt,
han tackade kommunen genom att bli aktiv
För fyra år sedan fick han som belöning besöka
Stortinget, där Stoltenberg själv berömde Burhan
som en välintegrerad (socialdemokratisk) 
Den 18 mars i år gjorde han jihad för Al-Shabaab
genom att köra in en bil fylld med sprängämne
i ett hotell där poliser och regeringssoldater sov.
Minst 28 personer dödades.
Och i norska socialdemokratin var man förvånad.
Burhan var ju så trevlig och ambitiös...
Vad han inte berättat för kamraterna var att han
över ett årtionde varit aktiv i islamistgruppen
AIAI (al-Itihaad al-Islamiya), al-Shabaabs
föregångare. Nu drömde han bara om att
göra jihad. Före dådet spelade al-Shabaab
in en intervju med Buhan.
Där säger han bl a:
"– Jeg håper jeg vil oppnå målet mitt.
De vantro som tok over Buulo Burde tror islam
er borte fra byen, men det er vi ikke.
Hvis Gud vil, kommer de vantro til å smake helvete".
Socialdemokraten läser också upp en dikt
han skrivit, där han uppmanar "gå inte miste
om det heliga kriget, som ju leder till paradiset"...
(det beskedet fick norska myndigheter och medier
i Tawfiqmoskéen i Oslo redan 2008.
Har de glömt det ?)

HRS påminner om att Norge hittills
exporterat tre massmördare till Somalia:

"Da har Norge tre kjente terrorister med norsk
tilknytning som er opprinnelig fra Somalia.
Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow, som var med å drepe 67
personer på kjøpesenteret West Gate i fjor, fra Larvik,
 nevnte Abdule fra Halden, og Ikrimah al-Muhajir
med norsk statsborgerskap og
definert som en av Al-Shababs farligste menn 
bodde i en lengre periode i Moelv."

Hela filmen om Kalifatet

Många har sett filmen om Kalifatet i
Syrien/Irak som jag publicerat i fem avsnitt.
Här är nu äntligen VICE NEWS hela film

The Islamic State

 42 minuter lång.
En upplevelse du inte glömmer...
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group
that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered
large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as
the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has
announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has
declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
as the caliph.

The lightning advances the Islamic State made across
Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not
 just the group's military victories that have garnered
attention — it's also the pace with which its members
have begun to carve out a viable state.

Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its
advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows
 no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August
alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new
areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory
and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing
as reports of massacres emerged.

VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three
weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining
unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria
as the first and only journalist to document
its inner workings.

Kalifatets mål

Kalifatets plan

Kalifatets offensiv mot Europa

onsdag, september 24, 2014

Norsk islamist terrorlistas av FN

Den 35-årige norske konvertiten
placerades idag på FN:s lista över farliga

QI.D.331.14.  Name: 1: ANDERS 2: CAMEROON 3: OSTENSVIG 4: DALE
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 19 Oct. 1978 POB: Oslo, Norway Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Muslim Abu Abdurrahman b) Abu Abdurrahman the Norwegian c) Abu Abdurrahman the Moroccan Nationality: Norwegian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Sep. 2014  Other information: Member of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (QE.A.129.10). Physical description: eye colour: brown; hair colour: brown; height: 185 cm.
(Reuters) - A United Nations Security Council committee blacklisted on Tuesday more than a dozen foreign extremist fighters, fundraisers and recruiters tied to militant groups in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia and Yemen, including a senior Islamic State leader.
Individuals from France, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Senegal and Kuwait are among those targeted by the Security Council's al Qaeda sanctions committee for an arms embargo, global travel ban and asset freeze.
France submitted three of the individuals to the committee, while the United States proposed 11 individuals and the groups Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia, which has links to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and has recruited Tunisian youth to fight in Syria, and the al Qaeda-linked Abdallah Azzam Brigades.

FN skriver at nordmannen reiste til Jemen første gang i 2008, og at han der har fått opplæring i å utvikle både bombebelter, improviserte eksplosiver og større eksplosiver til bruk i biler. Siden Dale har norsk pass, poengterer FN at han har hatt anledning til å reise til flere land uten visum.
Det har gjort at 35-åringen har hatt mulighet til å angripe en rekke land på vegne av al-Qaida, ifølge FN.
35-åringen antas, ifølge NTB å ha fått trening av bombemakeren Ibrahim al Asri - mannen bak eksplosivene som var sydd fast i undertøyet til en nigeriansk passasjer om bord på et fly på vei fra Amsterdam til Detroit første juledag i 2009.

35-åringen er allerede oppført på USAs liste over ettersøkte terrorister. Med nattens sanksjoner, havner han i selskap med en rekke personer i toppsjiktet i  ekstreme islamistiske grupperinger i Midtøsten.


söndag, september 21, 2014

DETTA är målet ! Glöm det aldrig !

Det sägs bäst med deras egna ord....
Se filmerna och minns budskapet !

- Koranen är guds ord vartenda ett! Inget får någonsin ändras!
- Varje muslim bör följa Muhammeds exempel (som återges
 i haditherna, t ex: Muhammed hade samlag med en 
 9-årig flicka, lät halshugga 600-900 judar, tillät våldtäkt av
icke-muslimska kvinnor)
- Koranen och haditherna är oumbärliga för varje muslim!
- islam är både religion och en politisk ideologi
- Muhammed var krigisk, deltog i nästan 30 slag personligen!
- Moderata muslimer blundar för obekväma avsnitt i Koranen
 och Haditherna!
P g a att de har fel så saknar de trovärdighet bland övriga muslimer.
- Koranen och haditherna ger radikala islamister (inklusive Al Qaida)
allt moraliskt stöd de behöver för att genomföra sina dåd.
- jämför detta med Jesus, som aldrig utövade eller predikade våld!
Okunniga icke-muslimer hävdar oftast att vissa saker inte står i Koranen.
Men det hjälper inte ifall det står i någon av de kanoniska haditherna!
Fadern till det sekulära Turkiet,  muslimen Mustafa Kemal ”Ataturk”
sade följande om islam:
Islam, denna absurda gudalära från omoraliska beduiner, är ett
ruttnande kadaver som förgiftar våra liv.” Mycket rasistiskt, eller hur!
(Ur Islam for Dummies)

Läs också:

Kalifatets plan

Kalifatets offensiv mot Europa

Se också filmerna från Kalifatet

fredag, september 19, 2014

Kalifatets plan: Slumpvis halshugga västerlänningar på gatan...

Igår gjorde australiska polisen den största razzian
i landets historia. Över 800 poliser gjorde tillslag
mot 25 lokaler och grep 15 jihadister med nära
kontakter med Kalifatet Syrien/Irak.
Gruppen planerade att angripa en huvudgata
i Sydney, halshugga några slumpvist utvalda
personer och svepa dem i Kalifatets flagga.
Allt skulle filmas och läggas på YouTube...
Samtidigt avslöjades i Norge att orsaken till
sommarens terrorlarm var jihadisternas långt
framskridna planer på att tränga in hos en lika
slumpvist utvald norsk familj och halshugga dem.
Att injaga fruktan genom slumpmässig,
besinningslös terror, där halalslakt med
halshuggning är ett viktigt moment.
Lika viktigt är att filma dådet och snabbt
sprida filmen över världen.
Första gången strategin testades var i
Woolwich i London förra året, då en
En månad senare försökte man
Sedan dess har ju islamistiska hals-
huggningar nästan blivit vardagsmat
Kalifatets världsbild är enkel och helt
enligt koranen:
Världen består av Dar al-Harb, krigets hus,
där de otroende bor, och Dar al-Islam,
islams hus, där sharia råder..
Varje muslims plikt är att genom jihad,
 heligt krig, förvandla krigets hus till
Islams hus.
När nu de första två kalifaten
sedan 20-talet utropats finns åter
Dar al-Islam rent territoriellt i
Syrien/Irak respektive Nigeria.
Dessa måste nu enligt islam växa
tills de omfattar hela världen.
Självklart kommer Kalifatets strategi att
fortsätta tills jihadisterna eliminerats eller

Belgien uppger att de stoppat ett liknande
terrordåd från de över 90 jihadister som
återvänt från Kalifatet.

Ett amerikanskt nyhetsbrev från statliga
myndigheter avsett för kommunala poliskårer
 går ut med en varning för jihadistiska terror-
planer  i USA.
Terrorister använder bl a Facebook och LinkedIn
för att kartlägga soldatfamiljer...
“In recent Twitter posts, foreign fighters in Syria have
encouraged Muslims in the West to target soldiers with
spontaneous attacks using small arms (i.e. knives and guns),
the bulletin said.
The bulletin also cited an uptick in chatter on Internet
forums calling for attacks on Western military targets,
with many referring to Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan, who
killed 13 service members at the Texas Army base in
2009 in a case the Obama administration still labels as
an example of "workplace violence," and not terrorism.
Hasan recently announced from prison, where he is
awaiting execution, he wanted to join Islamic State.

Läs även
Kalifatets offensiv mot Europa

Se också filmerna från Kalifatet


onsdag, september 17, 2014

Kalifatets offensiv mot Europa

Det jihadistiska Kalifatet närmar sig
Jihadisternas organisationer är redan
väl förankrade i bl a Danmark.
Hur illa är läget ?
Enligt SÄPO:s väldigt försiktiga skattningar
har över 80 jihadister rest ut från Sverige
till Syrien/Irak. Minst 20 dött i strid och
omkring 30 återvänt.
Trettio tidsinställda bomber mot det
svenska samhället...

Kan man dra några slutsatser från de betydligt
bättre kartlagda danska jihadisterna bör man
räkna med att det är en blandning av araber,
oftast från kriminella shariagäng i Bergsjön,
Rosengård, Rinkeby och liknande storstadsslum,
och relativt nyomvända svenska konvertiter...

The Long War Journal gjorde nyligen en
kartläggning av Kalifatet (ISIS) aktiviteter
sedan 2013 riktade mot Västerlandet.

Här är ett utdrag om offensiven i Europa:

Belgium: On May 30, police arrested Mehdi Nemmouche, 29, a French national and ex-convict who traveled to Syria in January 2013 and is suspected of carrying out the May 24 shooting attack at a Jewish museum in Brussels that killed three people and severely injured a fourth victim. He was detained in Marseille while traveling from Amsterdam via Brussels. In his possession was an ISIS flag, a Kalashnikov, a handgun, and a video in which he claimed the Brussels attack. He is thought to have returned from Syria in March after fighting with the ISIS, and to have had an accomplice. He was already known to French intelligence at the time of the attack. In late June, France extradited him to Belgium.

Bosnia: On Sept. 3, security forces conducted 17 raids across the country, arresting 16 people accused of financing, recruiting for, and fighting for radical groups in Syria and Iraq. Some of the several hundred Bosnians who headed to Syria earlier are thought to be now fighting in Iraq with the Islamic State. In late August, Bosnian intelligence estimated that some 150 Bosnians were fighting with Islamist groups in Syria and Iraq.

Denmark: In early September, police arrested the president of the Copenhagen-based Islamic charity Humanitarian Hearts (De Humanitære Hjerter) for supporting the Islamic State, and also detained two women involved in the organization's work. The main suspect, said to be a Libyan-born stateless person, is accused of collecting money for the IS. Fadi Abdallah, a spokesperson for the terrorism-linked Grimhøj Mosque in Aarhus, said that the mosque "cannot help but support the IS" and that he "understand[s] why they are killing people." Denmark is said to rank behind only Belgium among Western countries in having the highest per capita number of nationals fighting in Syria.
In June, authorities issued arrest warrants for four men, including two Danish speakers, who appeared in an August 2013 video from Syria in which they targeted effigies of former secret agent Morten Storm, free speech advocate Lars Hedegaard, politician Naser Khader, the imam Ahmed Akkari, former prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. Abu Sa'ad, a Danish suicide bomber, reportedly carried out an attack for the ISIS in Mosul, Iraq on May 20. Danish intelligence says that 100 people have left Denmark to fight in Syria, and many have returned, but so far none have been prosecuted.
In February 2013, it was reported that former Guantanamo detainee Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane had been killed fighting in Syria; a group named Islamisk Budskab in Denmark, which was linked to ISIS predecessor al Qaeda in Iraq, celebrated his martyrdom and set up a bank account for donations to support Abderrahmane's wife and two daughters.

France: In late August, French authorities arrested ISIS operative Fayez Boushran, who holds dual French and Moroccan citizenship, on his return to France, after prompting by Lebanese security officials. Boushan had confessed to arriving in Beirut in June for an ISIS bomb plot in Lebanon along with another would-be suicide bomber who was originally from the Comoros Islands.
On Aug. 20, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned that the Islamic State's ambitions extend beyond the Middle East, and said France wants the UN Security Council nations as well as countries in the region to join the fight against the Islamic State. President Francois Hollande said the world security situation was at its gravest since 2001, and called for an international conference that pools military and intelligence resources to come up with "a global strategy" to address the Islamic State's terrorism.
On Aug. 13, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said nearly 900 French citizens have traveled to Iraq or Syria to fight, and that some of them have joined the Islamic State.
In April, the Defense Ministry denied a report that the government paid a ransom of $18 million for the release of four French journalists who were were kidnapped in Syria by the ISIS in June 2013. According to the report, Defense Minister LeDrian took the ransom money to Ankara, where Turkish secret services helped transfer it to the kidnappers.

Germany: On Sept. 2, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that the Islamic State now controls an area half the size of Germany, and said the terror group is causing "the far-reaching destabilization of an entire region [which] affects Germany and Europe." Defending Germany's decision to send arms to Kurdish fighters in Iraq battling the Islamic State, she also said the more than 400 Germans who have joined the ranks of the IS present a direct threat to Germany. Some 20 former German soldiers are known to have joined jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria. The head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency said the Islamic State's brutality has made it "much more attractive" to radicalized German Muslims than the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda's branch in Syria.
On June 25, authorities charged Kreshnik B., a German citizen from Frankfurt am Main, with membership in the ISIS. Following his return from Syria, he was arrested on suspicion of planning attacks. Authorities were investigating the German Brigade of Millatu Ibrahim, whose leader, Denis Cuspert a.k.a. Deso Dogg a.k.a. Abu Talha al-Almani, is now fighting for ISIS. Interior Minister de Maiziere recently expressed concern that Islamists from Germany are cooperating with ISIS in Iraq as well as in Syria.
On June 5, a Lebanese man identified as Ismail I. was charged with membership in a terrorist organization after returning from fighting with ISIS in Syria; his brother Ezzeddine I. and a German identified as Mohammad Sobhan A. were charged with supporting a terrorist organization. At the time of his arrest, Ismail was on his way back to Syria with money, military equipment, and medicine that he had obtained with the help of the other two men. He had allegedly been sent back to Germany by ISIS to procure money and supplies for the group.

Kosovo: On the night of Aug. 10-11, police carried out some 60 raids across the country in a crackdown on Islamic extremists, arresting 40 men suspected of either fighting for, or supporting, the Islamic State or the Al Nusrah Front. Makeshift mosques were raided and weapons, ammunition, electronic equipment, and explosives were confiscated.

Luxembourg: In July, Luxembourg police working with Spanish counterterrorism authorities arrested Belgian national Abou Nouh a.k.a. Davide De Angelis, a former jihadist in Syria who served as a facilitator for an ISIS recruiting network that funneled fighters to Syria and Mali.

Norway: In late August, authorities refused to comment on a report that the July 24 terror alert was triggered by warnings that four Islamic State operatives were on their way to Norway via Greece to commit a major attack. Authorities reportedly said that two Norwegians answer directly to IS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi; one is Bastian Vasquez, of Skien, and the other is of African origin and lived in Boerum.
On July 24, security police warned of a "credible" threat of an imminent terrorist attack against targets in Norway by people connected with Islamic extremists in Syria. The attack was reportedly planned in Europe. Security measures were stepped up, and both the City Hall and the Royal Palace in Oslo were closed to tourists.
On May 27, police arrested a Somali and two Kosovans, all Norwegian citizens residing in Oslo, suspected of supporting the ISIS. The two Kosovans are brothers who reportedly fought in Syria and had a brother who died there. At least 50 Norwegians were thought to have traveled to Syria for jihad, and seven have died there, all fighting for the ISIS.
In early May, Albanian and Norwegian media noted the death in Syria of Egzon Avdyli, an ethnic Kosovan from Norway killed while fighting for ISIS. Avdyli, a former spokesman for the Norwegian radical Islamist group Prophet's Ummah, reportedly left Norway for Syria early this year. Avdyli had encouraged young people to travel to Syria for jihad and also "supported the establishment of an Islamic state in Norway or other Western countries." Norwegian intelligence said it considered the danger of jihadists returning from Syria to be the most significant terror threat to Norway. [See Threat Matrix report, Norwegian Islamist who fought for ISIS killed in Syria.]
In February, Norwegian intelligence warned that at least 40 or 50 Norwegians, including about a dozen women, were known to have traveled to Syria to fight and that they have most often joined extremist groups such as the ISIS.

Spain: In July, authorities said at least 35 Spaniards are estimated to have joined the ranks of rebel fighters in Syria, and most are thought to have joined the Islamic State.
On April 30, Spanish security forces working with French police arrested Abdelmalek Tanem, an Algerian national who also has French citizenship, in Almeria. He had recently returned from Syria, where he worked as a facilitator along the Turkish border, integrating European jihadists into the ISIS and the Al Nusrah Front.
In mid-March, Spanish and Moroccan authorities targeting an al Qaeda recruiting network arrested four suspected members in Spain and three in Morocco. The network, whose activities extend to Morocco, Belgium, France, Tunisia, Turkey, Libya, Mali, Indonesia, and Syria, is headed by Melilla resident Mustafa Maya Amaya, who funneled recruits to the ISIS, the Al Nusrah Front, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Some of the suspects arrested in the operation had returned home after going to conflict zones such as Syria; and in January, a suspected jihadist returning from Syria was arrested in Malaga as a potential "threat to national security," CNN reported.

Sweden: On Aug. 13, Sweden's intelligence service was said to be investigating reports that during a TV interview, an Islamic State supporter from Sweden named Sheikh Ahmed threatened violence in the country and war against Sweden and Europe. An estimated 80 Swedes are said to be fighting for rebel groups in Syria.
In May 2013, a government report said there are currently at least 30 Swedish nationals fighting with "groups similar to al Qaeda" in Syria. The report called Sweden "far behind" other EU countries in preventing militant Islamism, and recommended that travel abroad for terror training be outlawed. The report said while Germany has a program for former jihadists, not one Swedish jihadist is thought to have defected from that ideology.

United Kingdom: On Sept. 4, Prime Minister David Cameron said that the Islamic State presents a direct threat to the UK, noting IS-inspired attacks in Europe. He did not rule out launching airstrikes against the group in Syria, and said the UK did not need permission to do so from Syrian President Bashar al Assad. He indicated that UK authorities are in contact with the Islamic State kidnappers of a British hostage but reiterated the government's stance against paying ransoms.
On Aug. 21, it was reported that Khadijah Dare, 22, a Lewisham woman married to a Swedish IS fighter who calls himself Abu Bakr, had vowed to become the first woman to behead a British or US prisoner; she is thought to be in Syria with her husband and young son. Brustchom Ziamani, 19, a Congolese convert to Islam, was arrested in Camberwell on Aug. 19 while carrying a bag with a hammer and a knife wrapped in an Islamic flag; he has been charged with preparing terrorist acts. The suspect had said he intended to commit a Lee Rigby-type attack on UK military or government personnel.
On Aug. 20, Foreign Secretary Hammond said the Islamic State jihadist whose videotaped murder of US journalist James Foley was filmed appears to be British, and warned that "there are a significant number of British nationals in Syria and Iraq operating with extremist organisations" and accordingly that the Islamic State presents "a direct threat to the UK's national security."
On Aug. 14, Scotland Yard chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said about half of the estimated 500 British jihadists in Syria and Iraq are from London, and warned that the task of addressing the threat posed by their return to the UK should not be underestimated. UK jihadist Nasser Muthana, an Islamic State fighter, posted photos of IEDs he made in Syria on social media. British police are investigating the distribution of leaflets on London's Oxford Street urging Muslims to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State.
In late July, British ambassador Peter Westmacott warned that among the 70 UK jihadists arrested after returning to Britain, a number were carrying "very specific" instructions for terrorist missions in the UK. British intelligence said it was close to identifying the Islamic State jihadist who beheaded American journalist James Foley; among those being investigated is UK rapper-turned-jihadist Abdel Majed Abdel Bary.
In June, an ISIS recruitment video surfaced featuring three Britons and two Australians calling for Westerners to come to Iraq and Syria for jihad. MI5 made tracking British jihadists in Syria its top priority. The counterterrorism chief for the Kurdistan Regional Government said ISIS would likely use its surviving British jihadists to mount attacks against the UK; he also claimed that KRG intelligence told the US and Iraq in January that ISIS was planning to seize Mosul and advance on Baghdad but the warnings were ignored.
On May 20, Mashudur Choudhury, 31, became the first Briton convicted of a Syria-related terrorism crime. The former youth worker at a Portsmouth mosque had traveled to Syria in October with four other men to join the ISIS, and was detained upon his return.
In February, British authorities were said to be "closely monitoring" some 250 British jihadists who have fought in Syria and returned home. A British fighter with the ISIS in Syria appeared in a YouTube clip warning aspiring British jihadists of the difficulties of the battle zone. Earlier that month, a British jihadist of Afghan origin called Abu Layth was reported killed while fighting for the ISIS in clashes with rebels; he is said to be the seventh British jihadist killed in Syria.
In January, a Syrian defector from the ISIS said the terror group is training British, European, and American recruits to conduct terror attacks in their home countries. Some 500 British fighters were believed to have traveled to Syria, and about 50 were thought to have already returned home. Jihadists in Syria seeking to return to their home countries are reportedly funneled through al Qaeda safe houses in Turkey.
In December 2013, family members said that well-known British jihadist Ifthekar Jaman a.k.a. Abu Aburahman died in Syria while fighting alongside the ISIS.