fredag, juni 29, 2012

26 sätt att känna igen en islamist

Har du en salafist eller wahhabist
i din närhet ?
Här får du en enkel lista på sådant
du skall lägga märka till för att i
tid kunna identifiera islamister.
Idéen kommer från författnings-
skyddet i Niedersachsen.
De sprider en liten checklista i
bl a skolor. Jag har översatt och
gjort en lätt "försvenskning".
Det är en islamist du möter,
om han:
1.   Förespråkar mycket strikt tolkning
av islam (salafi, wahhabi etc)
2.   Tar avstånd från allt västerländskt,
kristet och judiskt
3.   Hans religion blir ett ständigt åter-
kommande tema i alla diskussioner
4.   Släpper kontakten med tidigare vänner.
Umgås bara med likasinnade
5.   Tappar fotfästet i det normala samhället.
Slutar arbeta och ägnar sig bara åt
islamistiska "studier" och kampsport
6.   Tuggar ständigt hur diskriminerade och
undertryckta muslimerna är
7.   Islam framhålls alltid som den enda
lösningen på alla problem
8.   Ökande dualistisk världsbild.
Alla är vän eller fiende
9.   Upprepar ständigt islamistiska slagord
10.   Kräver att andra sunnimuslimer ska
vara lika strikta i sin religion
11.   Andra muslimska trosriktningar (t ex
shia) betecknas som otroende
12.   Synbara yttre förändringar (klädedräkt,
skägg, personligt uppträdande,
viktförlust genom ny diet)
13.   Täta besök i islamistiska moskéer och
hos islamistiska predikanter
14.   Deltagande i islamistiska seminarier med
extrema predikanter
15.   Lever alltmera inom ett extremistiskt
16.  Besöker ofta islamistiska hemsidor
17. Läser och skriver inlägg på
islamistiska forum
18.  Dyker ofta upp som ”vän” till hat-
predikanter och andra kända
islamister på Facebook
19. Ser ofta islamistiska DVD med
predikningar eller jihad
20. Börjar träna kampsport
21.  Börjar lära sig arabiska
22. Uppträder ofta aggressivt och vålds-
benäget medan han förespråkar sin nya
23.   Kriminella handlingar som riktas mot
svenska ”otroende”. Dessa föraktas djupt
24.  Resor till muslimska länder, främst
sådana med pågående konflikter
25.    Hemlighetsfullhet kring sitt privatliv
(bostad, arbete, resor)
26.  Intensivt sysselsatt med studier och
spekulationer kring livet efter döden och

Syrien: Brödraskapet fördriver kristna

Nyhetsbyrån AINA ger en ögonblicksbild
från dagens Syrien:
I staden Qusayr går Muslimska Brödraskapets
milis från hus till hus och ställer de kristna
invånarna inför ett ultimatum:
Anslut er till "oppositionen" eller försvinn !
De flesta kristna väljer att fly.
Årtionden av lugn och trygghet under Assads
auktoritära alawitiska styre har nu ersatts av
extrema sunnimiliser, som vill etniskt rensa
Syrien. I Muslimska Brödraskapets Syrien finns
det inte plats för kristna, alawiter eller shia.
Vid en konferens nyligen sa kardinal 
Christoph Schoenborn, ärkebiskop av Wien:
"Schoenborn reviewed the early history of Muslim
conquest in the Middle East, noting Christianity
survived in Egypt but died elsewhere in North Africa.
Given current disturbing trends, the remaining
Christian communities in the region may yet
replicate North Africa’s eradicated church.

“It would be a deep wound to lose Christianity’s
own homeland and land of origin,”
Schoenborn said.
“Religion is an essential part of society,” he
observed, as the Islamist resurgence proves.
But policy makers ignore religion’s importance.
Disputing Israel’s existence is “out of the
question,” Schoenborn declared.
“I clearly stand for the right of existence of the
Jewish people in their own homeland.”
He regretted both Iraq wars’ impact on Iraq’s once-
relatively-large Christian population, much of which
has since emigrated.
Survival for Mideast Christians, Schoenborn insisted,
requires secular states to guard religious freedom.
“No state can assume the Kingdom of God, which is not
identical with any political reality,” he warned.
America’s desire to export democracy has “good intention”
 but must help Christians “breathe,” since they are
“landmarks” for pluralism.
Egypt and Syria must not follow Iraq’s example,
he implored.

Brödraskapets Egypten: Snart inga kristna kvar

Nyheter  från Gatestone Institute 
om Muslimska Brödraskapets
Egypt: A court verdict that was criticized
by many human rights groups as "un-
believable" and "extremely harsh" to-
wards Christians was decided according
to religion: all twelve Christians were con-
victed to life imprisonment, while all eight
Muslims—including some who torched nearly
60 Christian homes—were acquitted, all to
thunderous cries of "Allahu Akbar!" ["Allah
is the Greatest!"] in the courtroom.
Another Muslim judge in Upper Egypt dis-
missed all charges against a group of
and his family for over a year, culminating
with their cutting off his ear in a knife attack
while trying to force him to convert to Islam
after they "falsely accused him" of having an
affair with a Muslim woman.
And a new report describes the plight of Coptic
girls: "hundreds of Christian girls … have been
abducted, forced to convert to Islam, and
forced into marriage in Egypt. These incidents
are often accompanied by acts of violence,
including rape, beatings, and other forms
of physical and mental abuse."
Minns vad president Morsi sa för en
månad sedan om kopterna, Egyptens
ursprungsbefolkning:According to the popular
Egyptian website, El Bashayer, Muhammad Morsi,
the Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate,
just declared that he will "achieve the Islamic
conquest (fath) of Egypt for the second time,
and make all Christians convert to Islam, or
else pay the jizya," the traditional Islamic tax,
or financial tribute, required of non-Muslim
Det vi bevittnar nu är således "den
andra islamiska invasionen av Egypten"....

torsdag, juni 28, 2012

Islamistiska terrorgrupper i Afrika ökar samarbetet

Afrikas tre största islamistiska terror-
grupper: Boko Haram, Al Shabaab och
Al Qaeda i Islamiska Maghreb utökar sitt
ekonomiska, logistiska och operativa sam-
arbete berättar befälhavaren för USA:s
afrikanska kommando:
Washington - Three of Africa's largest extremist
groups are sharing funds and swapping explosives
in what could signal a dangerous escalation of
security threats on the continent, the commander
of the US military's Africa Command said on
General Carter Ham said there are indications
that Boko Haram, al Shabaab and Al Qaeda in
the Islamic Maghreb - groups that he labelled as
the continent's most violent - are sharing money
and explosive materials while training fighters
“Each of those three organisations is by itself a
dangerous and worrisome threat,” Ham said at
 an African Centre for Strategic Studies seminar
for senior military and civilian officials from
Africa, the United States and Europe.
“What really concerns me is the indications that
the three organisations are seeking to coordinate
 and synchronise their efforts,” Ham said.
“That is a real problem for us and for African
security in general.”

Bilden: Boko Harams emir Abubakar Shekau

Ännu en kvinnlig europeisk journalist våldtagen på Tahrirtorget i Kairo

Ännu en kvinnlig europeisk journalist
blev överfallen, misshandlad och våld-
tagen under Muslimska Brödraskapets  
demonstration på Tahrirtorget i Kairo.
Denna gång var det engelskan
Natasha Smith.
För några veckor sedan överfölls
en danska.
Läs Natashas egen berättelse från
I have been forced to leave Cairo prematurely
following a horrific sexual and physical attack
in Tahrir Square.
The atmosphere was one of jubilation, excitement,
and happiness as I walked, accompanied by two
male companions for safety along Kasr El Nil bridge.
I had had an awful day, caused by problems in per-
sonal relationships, so I was so happy to be in such
a wonderful environment, getting such amazing
footage. Women, children and fathers smiled,
waved, and cheered happily at the camera,
calling out the widely used phrase “welcome to
Egypt! Welcome!”. Fireworks lit up the sky.
 It was a moving and captivating experience.
Just as I realised I had reached the end of the
bridge, I noticed the crowd became thicker, and
decided immediately to turn around to avoid
Tahrir Square. My friends and I tried to leave.
I tried to put my camera back in my rucksack.
But in a split second, everything changed.
Men had been groping me for a while, but
suddenly, something shifted. I found myself
being dragged from my male friend, groped all
over, with increasing force and aggression.
I screamed. I could see what was happening and
I saw that I was powerless to stop it.
I couldn’t believe I had got into this situation.
Blir detta vardagsmat i Brödraskapets
nya islamistiska Egypten ?

onsdag, juni 27, 2012

Terrorkonvertiten kopplas till islamistisk gangsterboss

säkerhetstjänsten utbildats på ett
terrorläger i Jemen har kopplingar
till Oslos islamistiske gangsterboss
Arfan Bhatti  och den ledande sala-
uppger Verdens Gang
Bhatti har tidigare dömts bl a för
att ha beskjutit synagogan i Oslo
och planerat halshugga Israels
Den efterspanade mannen uppges också
vara vän med konvertiten Per Yousef
Bartho Assidiq, som länge varit i säker-
hetspolisen PST:s sökljus. 
Verdens Gang intervjuar terroristexperten
Per NesserForsvarets Forskningsinstitutt
som säger att han "er ikke overrasket over at
PST har et sterkt fokus på norske konvertitter,
og at en etnisk nordmann skal ha deltatt på en
treningsleir i Jemen.".
- Det vanligste mønsteret er at de som reiser
til treningsleirer selv har en tilknytning til
konfliktområdet de reiser til, men de siste
årene finnes det flere eksempler på at folk
med vestlig bakgrunn radikaliseres.
Det kan skje gjennom alt fra radikale moskeer,
fengsler til sosiale nettverk og ideologiske
studier, forteller han.

Mördaren i Toulose på salafistläger i Bosnien

MEMRI publicerade nyligen en rapport
om islamismen i Bosnien:
Många läsare tycks ha missat en
liten notis på slutet.
Här visas tydligt kopplingen
mellan jihadister över hela Europa:
Toulouse shooter Muhammad Merah
spend time at a jihadi training camp
in Bosnia some two weeks before
starting his series of attacks.
The camp is run by the Poziv U Raj
("Call to Paradise") organization.
This is the Bosnian branch of a German
organization by the same name
(Einlaudung zum Paradies), headed by
the radical preacher Pierre Vogel,
whose activity was banned in Bavaria
due to its missionary nature.
Läs också

MI5: Hundratals terrorister på väg till London

brittiska säkerhetstjänsten, har gjort
ett av sina sällsynta framträdanden.
I ett tal inför Olympiaden i London
varnade han för att hundratals brittiska
medborgare fått terroristutbildning i
Mellanöstern. Länder som Somalia,
Jemen, Libyen, Nigeria och Egypten
producerar idag militanta islamister
redo att begå terrordåd i Europa. 
Risken för ett stort terrordåd mot
Olympiaden måste bedömas som
Britons are increasingly heading to the Middle
East for terrorist training in preparation for
attacks in the wake of the Arab Spring, the
head of MI5 has said.
Jonathan Evans, the director-general of the
Security Service, warned that parts of the
Arab world were becoming a more per-
missive environment for al Qaida and Britons
were travelling there to "seek training and
opportunities for militant activity".
Some will return to the UK and pose a
threat and the situation "could get worse
as events unfold", he said.
It is believed that up to 200 British residents
and nationals are currently in the Arab world
 and either involved in training camps, being
radicalised or operationally active with terror
"Today parts of the Arab world have once
more become a permissive environment for
al Qaida," he said.
"A small number of British would be jihadis
are also making their way to Arab countries
to seek training and opportunities for militant
activity, as they do in Somalia and Yemen.
"Some will return to the UK and pose a threat
here. This is a new and worrying development
and could get worse as events unfold.
So we will have to manage the short-term risks
if there is to be a longer-term reward from the
Arab Spring."
Yemen, Libya, Nigeria and Egypt are all
understood to pose a risk.

Saudisk islamist skulle spränga ex-president

Den saudiske islamisten Khalid
Ali-M Aldawsarie skulle spränga
ett kärnkraftverk och ex-president
George W. Bushs hem i Dallas.
Han gjorde omfattande inköp av
kemikalier och annan utrustning
nätet och förberedde bomberna.
Två företag blev dock misstänk-
samma och tipsade FBI.
När myndigheterna slog till fann
man färdiga bomber och en om-
fattande förteckning över mål.
Aldawsari hade studerat kemi-
teknik i fyra år på universitet
Texas Tech.
I hans bostad fann man också en
dagbok där han berättade om sina
förberedelser för jihad och sin be-
undran för Osama Bin Laden.
Rättegången startar inom kort i
Lubbock, Texas.

tisdag, juni 26, 2012

Skogsbränder Al Qaedas nya strategi

Al Qaedas tidskrift Inspire fortsätter
att utkomma trots att de ursprungliga
Nummer 9 handlar om "pyroterrorism",
d v s terrorism genom att anlägga 
stora bränder. Den kraftiga ökningen
av antalet skogsbränder i Sydeuropa
och Nordamerika de senaste åren har
misstänkts hänga samman med terror-
aktioner. Direkta bevis på att skogs-
bränder använts som terrormetod
finns hittills bara från Israel.
Artikeln ger inget svar på frågan om
skogsbränder redan använts av Al
Qaeda på fler ställen, men alla islamister
uppmanas använda sig av "pyroterrorism"
för att vålla fienden (=Västerlandet)
stora ekonomiska och ekologiska
The men who launched al Qaeda's
English-language magazine "Inspire"
magazine continue to promote jihadi
attacks on Western targets, offering
detailed advice on how to start huge
forest fires in America with timed
explosives and how to build remote-
controlled bombs.
Although the two Muslim terrorists who
launched the Jihadist magazine Inspire
were killed in a U.S. airstrike last fall,
the magazine continues to promote
terrorism against America with its recent
release of issue nine of using fire as a
In the magazine, a writer who goes by
the name The AQChef said, "In America,
there are more houses built in the country-
side than in the cities. It is difficult to
choose a better place than in the valleys
of Montana."
Although the mainstream media has
reporting has been spotty on this story,
it has caught the eye of the Department
of Homeland Security who wrote up an
unclassified report, that is posted on the
web, on May 31, 2012, which was not
publicly available, until now that outlines
the threats posed by Al Qaeda terrorists
and cells sympathetic to their cause in Al
Qaeda's latest issues of their online maga-
zine that is only available in Jihadist sites.
Statements in the report said that “for at
least a decade, international terrorist
groups and associated individuals have
expressed interest in using fire as a tactic
against the Homeland to cause economic
loss, fear, resource depletion, and humani-
tarian hardship. There is no evidence that
international terrorist groups and inspired
individuals are responsible for any purpose-
ful destruction of public or private property
by setting wildfires in the United States.
Using fire as a weapon, however, is in-
expensive and requires limited technical
expertise, giving it a strong advantage over
other methods of attack.
Statements advocating this tactic are most
often found on violent extremist Web forums
and in violent extremist propaganda.”
The report also stated that the ninth issue
of Inspire—“AQAP’s English-language maga-
zine published on 2 May 2012 as the winter
2012 edition—advocates setting wildfires in
the United States to create economic hard-
ship and cause the loss of life of firefighters,
the destruction of property and buildings,
and general psychological distress.
The first issue of Inspire, which AQAP re-
leased in summer 2010, also briefly made
reference to setting fires as a tactic.
We have no indications AQAP or un-
affiliated violent extremists are planning
to act upon the suggestions contained
in Inspire.”
The report also went on to say that on
 February 6, 2012, a purported violent
extremist posted a message entitled
“The Top 100 Targets in the United
States” that noted “pyro-terrorism is
perhaps the greatest threat America
has ever faced,” as perpetrators run a
low risk of detection and the posting
urges “pyro-terrorists” to start forest
and grass fires randomly to cause eco-
nomic damage.
While wildfires are presently raging in
western states, the Denver Field Office
of the FBI last month warned the Colorado
and Wyoming law enforcement agencies of
the potential threat that jihadists could
start wildfires as a form of terrorist attack
as a result of the article in the winter issue
of Inspire, a jihadist webzine produced by
al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
As of now, there have been no indications
that the fires in the western part of the U.S.
have been started by terrorists.
Although the “Inspire” magazine had lain
dormant for a while, it was recently
resurrected in 2010, according the Anti-
Defamation League (ADL).
However, issues eight and nine caught
the attention of the seriousness of what
Al Qaeda may be up to.
In a startling statement, the editorial in
the magazine stated:
“To the disappointment of our enemies,
we are still publishing America's worst